Friday, April 11, 2008

at home in the kitchen

Ah-ha! (soundtrack: Great Aunt Ida's Extra Hours)

It's time to take control over our appliances!!

(Stadtnomaden's A la carte, part of MoCo Loco's Milan previews)

And after we've taken care of business, we can relax with tea and cookies. (Sentou's TI collection courtesy Colloco)

Yes, it's kitchen week at the NYTimes, in the Metrop, and at my office. Learnin', learnin', learnin'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I keep waiting for someone to leave a comment, but of course maybe I'm the only one who is reading (it did take a bit of prodding to get the link...).

I love kitchens. And kitchen-things. If anyone is reading my comment, maybe you would like to share how/if you're inspired by restaurant plating in your kitchen. Do these worlds relate (beyond the obvious FOOD)?